ARSM and LRSM Piano Teaching Diplomas

You may consider an ARSM or LRSM piano teaching diploma if:

  • you are starting to teach piano and want to teach your students well
  • you have been teaching piano and are wondering if you can help your students even more than now

A piano teaching diploma such as the ones by ABRSM fast-tracks every piano teacher on the road to teaching well.  Doing both performance and teaching diplomas is a great way to ensure that you can play well and teach well!

Performance v. Teaching

While doing a performance diploma helps to refine our musical understanding and playing skills, a teaching diploma helps us to communicate the musical and technical aspects of playing music in a way that is easy for students to understand.

ABRSM Diplomas in Piano Teaching

ARSM and LRSM diplomas in piano Teaching consist of 3 sections:

Unit 1A.  Music Teaching in Practice
Unit 1B.  Music Teaching in Context
Unit 2.  Reflective Practice and Professional Values

These 'on demand' exams are conducted digitally.  Typically, a video recording and a written (or spoken) submission will be assessed. A professional discussion using video conferencing software is also part of the exam.


For ARSM (Piano Teaching):

  • minimum age of 21 (recommended)
  • six months' teaching experience

For LRSM (Piano Teaching):

  • ARSM in Piano Teaching or grade 8 piano and a
  • minimum grade 6 theory (1992 syllabus)
  • experience as a piano teacher, typically at least 3 years

ARSM (Teaching)

LRSM (Teaching)

Unit 1A Music Teaching in Practice (15 marks)

30 min video recording; 1,500 words written commentary or 8 min spoken video presentation

45 min video recording; 3,000 words written commentary or 16 min spoken video presentation

Unit 1B Music Teaching in Context (15 marks)

Written submission of 2,000 to 2,500 words or spoken video submission of 10 to 12.5 min

Written submission of 2,000 to 2,500 words or spoken video submission of 10 to 12.5 min

Unit 2 Reflective Practice and Professional Values (20 marks)

30 min structured conversation with an examiner using video conferencing software

40 min structured conversation with an examiner using video conferencing software

1A. Music Teaching in Practice (ARSM)

For piano teachers, this is typically a video recording of a piano lesson.  You prepare thoroughly and show clear communication in the lesson by:

  • demonstration on the piano
  • interacting with the student(s)
  • being creative in making music
  • using your voice

Possible topics to present include:

  • preparing for performance
  • creative music-making
  • supporting skills like aural, sight reading, theory or improvisation
  • piano technique

1B. Music Teaching in Context (ARSM)

In this section, students are given an opportunity to show their knowledge and understanding of music teaching.

For the written work, four tasks should be selected:

1. Mandatory Task

Your philosophy and values as a teacher

2. One task from Group A

i. an analysis on your own learning journey and how it has impacted your teaching

ii. how a training event or resource is particularly inspirational and how it has impacted your teaching

iii. how you identified and solved a problem in your teaching, including any strategies, resources or activities chosen 

3. Two tasks from Group B

i. a case study based on a teaching session (similar but not the same as the one in part 1A)

ii. a short evaluation of two published resources used in your teaching

iii. two lesson/session observations where you are the observer

iv. an example of an original resource developed or adapted for your teaching

A written submission of 2,000 to 2,500 words or a spoken video submission of 10 to 12.5 min is required.

2. Reflective Practice and Professional Values (ARSM)

This is a question and answer session with an examiner with a structured discussion covering:

i. Unit 1 submissions where you may expand or clarify areas presented

ii. scenario-based questions about how you would approach certain teaching decisions

iii. music teachers' responsibilities towards students

iv. anything particularly interesting regarding music teaching e.g. insights, resources, reflection

v. self-reflection and professional development

Exam Results

A pass in each section is not required to pass the overall exam.  The passing mark is 34 out of 50 or 68%.  A Diploma with Distinction is awarded for an overall 45 out of 50 marks or 90% or more.

Mark bands are as follows:




Below Pass

45-50 marks or 90%

40-44 marks or 80%

34-39 marks or 68%

33 marks and below

Clara has taught piano at her private studio for more than 20 years, from beginners to diploma levels. She has helped students overcome difficulties and successfully 'turned around' many students whom other teachers gave up on. Be on your way to finding your own teaching approach that is similarly effective and successful.

If you are interested in exploring ARSM or LRSM piano teaching diploma lessons with Clara, please contact her using the form below.

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› ABRSM Teaching Diplomas